Monday, September 28, 2009

Can You Get Herpes From A Bed Sheet


read it and say they think it
I woke up one morning with six hungry babies and just .75 cents in my pocket.
His father was gone. The children were three months to 7 years. His sister was two years old.
His father has never been more than a presence they temían.Cuando heard them squeak in the loose gravel of the way home, ran to hide under their beds.
What it did was leave me $ 15.00 per week to buy groceries.
Now that he had decided to leave, there would be beaten but not food.
If there was a social welfare system by the government in southern Indiana
, I never knew anything about it. I bathe my kids, carving up
that looked new, I put the best clothes were homemade and I went to
rusty old chevy
year 51 and went in search of decent workspace 7 of us went
to all factories, shops and restaurants that in our small town. We did not
> suerte.Los children stayed all over in the car and tried to keep quiet while I was trying to convince whoever
put me attention I was willing to learn or do anything.
I had to have a empleo.Aun to yes, no luck. The last place we went, a few miles from town, was a restaurant (whereabouts) called The Great Rueda.Un
great lady and the lady was called Granny and
glimpse out the window and saw all those children the car.
She needed someone to work at night, from 11 pm to 7 de la mañana. Ella pagaba .65 centavos la hora y yo podría empezar esa noche.
Me fui apresuradamente a casa y llama a la niñera convenciéndola de ir a dormir a mi casa por 1.00 dólar la noche.
Ella podría llegar a mi casa en pijamas y dormir en el sofá.
Esto le pareció un buen trato y acepto.Esa noche cuando los pequeños y yo nos
arrodillamos para rezar nuestras oraciones, todos le dimos gracias a
Dios por haberle conseguido trabajo a la mami, y así empezó mi trabajo en
La Gran Rueda.Cuando regrese a casa en la mañana, desperté a la niñera y la envié a su casa con su dólar que era la mitad de mis tips all night ..
Passing of weeks, the increased heating bills despite spending so little income that we had old tires chevy soportar.Las,
increasingly showed the work of the time taking the appearance of evil balloons inflated. I had the tires filled with air before going to work and go home.
A sad morning, tired to drag my car in the parking lot
found in my car waiting for four fresh tires there.
Angels would have come from heaven to live in Indiana?
I had to make a deal with the mechanic that put people to the carro.Recuerdo my old tires that takes much longer to clean their dirty offices that what it take to put the old tires chevy.Estaba and working six nights a week instead of 5 and still was not enough. Christmas was approaching and I knew that there would be no money to buy toys for niños.Encontré a pot of red paint and started painting some old toys and hid in the basement so there would be toys for Christmas morning.
children's clothing was also very thoroughly. Children's trousers had patches over patches and soon it would not serve to nada.La night before Christmas
customers always came to the restaurant to take coffee.
They were truck drivers and truck drivers and police of camino.Habían some musicians who had played earlier still there playing in the arcades.
The usual suspects were sitting there talking to madrugada.Cuando is was time to go home at 7 in the morning I ran the car to try to get before they wake
children and put the toys had settled down a tree that had improvised. Although it was dark and there was not much, but note that there
a shadow on the back of the car. Something was sure there was something ahí.Cuando get the car I peered through the side window. My mouth opened with amazement.
My old Chevy was full of boxes at the top. I quickly opened the door and opened one of the boxes. Inside was pants size 2 to size 10.
The other had shirts for pants.
also had candy, fruit and lots of bags ordered. There were jellies, puddings, cakes and cookies. There was also toiletries and cleaning my house.
were 5 muñeca.Mientras camionetitas and beautiful driving through the empty streets toward my house, I saw the sun the most unforgettable day of Christmas my vida.Lloraba incredible disbelief and gratitude. I will never forget the joy on the faces of my babies in that mañana.Si, if there were angels in Indiana that morning in many Decembers ago ..
And they were all clients of the Big Wheel.
answer the following
1 .- normal approach of legislation, how the marriage is considered ?___________________________________________________________________ 2 .- The Romans are the creators of the database in the world of a) war b) Legislation c) government d) sovereignty e) constructions arqitectonicas6 .- Continue the sequence lógica.LMM ____7 ___ ___ ___ .- Correct this formula, placing just a stroke or a piece or a piece. 5 + 5 + 5 = 5508 .- Please write, anything. _______________________________________________9 .- Draw a rectangle with three lines.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Famous Antisocial People

He considered dangerous

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Duck Billed Platypus As Pets

clear illustrations that I have many important things to do

Well ... of course I have many important things to do, TODAY .... I have obligations, steady jobs, I am a man trained to row, remove trash, search for jobs and give up opportunities ... for me, life in the city is in-itself a battlefield so far was not gangster, thief or scholar ... and I have a comfortable position in government or in private companies because they just seemed to me-in time-offer mediocre crude simpletons promises to bald or obese taiboleros with no taste for things ... bah ... I have 40 years I have lived some ridiculous stories, betrayal and without taste ... bah affairs and failed again ... I'm not lacking.

I have two children (beautiful and healthy) , una novia (nalgona y loca), una casa (rentada) una jeep bonita y chocada… y una robusta banda de rock… dos guitarras, una carrera y un buen empleo… pero…

Cada tanto…

Cuando veo el escenario en el me muevo… imagino que es el escenario de un loco…

(Dice el guili, una amigo, que es una condición teenager crónica…)

En contraste con los demás…

Me imagino que las gentes normales se procuran casas normales, sin goteras o por lo menos con puertas con herraduras y chapas. Sospecho que su vida cotidiana dependen de los planes a corto plazo alimentados por objetivos concretos… o no se, or at least I have access to amenities pruned the fruit of their work or talent given to them.

I guess they liked to sleep in comfortable beds and chairs not in solitary, and his house will not turn heads, much less if, like me, are in for a week of efforts and a lot of job stress.

sure do not use plastic bathroom curtains like sleek doors between your room and bathroom-bedroom-kitchen-studio, next to his bed there and a pile of clothes (not mine and I use a pillow) .

not have eaten cat kibbles because mistakenly placed at the height of the peanuts are delicious or ... or your mechanic takes three weeks or four I do not know, promising that "tomorrow or" give them his car.

centrating are ordinary people ... They pay taxes and are civilized ... I love the movie Top Gun, or be as rebels who prefer the aesthetics of the comic, Woody Allen or scorsece ... or whatever, dream to have a specific talent or sculpted bodies or at least presentable. I do not ...

you? Wait

am also an ordinary person ...

described analytically lines behind a psychological state of some part of my life while watching TV and now I know ... in case of film or ... literature. written novels are boxes, or snapshots of "geniune wankers" no friends screaming "bitter senciblones" cowards who love to say meos-cum-poop .. but with a mask "
THE FOX CHANNEL PREEESTENO by the new LATIN AMERICA series began GLEE for sparkling, full speed, a hig school Afterward to the public of current naughty movies, school, defined in different groups of idiots who do not tolerate each other, the region jumped caustícamete to taunt the losers that due to social failure refuge in the world of myspace, and then going to define what role game fans (especially those of nomos and druids)

like idiots ... and .... so suddenly it becomes a karaoke party of music and people coming together through the love of the stage. A kind of SCHOOL OF ROCK, but aimed at a more mass audience, young and likes to sing in the higschoool. _________________

As I said ... of course I have many important things to do, I have obligations, steady jobs ... and tomorrow I have to leave work early