Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Do Women Like Men Waxed
found a friend a ZIP file with muchisias things I had saved .. and go
SHOW: Great adventures
After shaking ejaculate pleasure my teeth I looked in the mirror, I'm blushing, happy, my face is cheerful and moisturizes my skin fresh, healthy look. As I keep the penis flaccid and dirty (very little romantic as a man washes his penis after intercourse), I connmueve the idea that you can get pregnant, and I acknowledge however that it would be impossible.
In fact I've never heard that a toilet can give birth to a half human, half-pornographic magazine to pee, Loretta also was halfway through his term menstrual and as he read in his article "Red Red Wine" and as appreciated in the photographs, blood inoculated semen and menstrual blood be had in those black buttocks in their balloons as well as milk and others.
not eat breakfast that morning, just an orange juice before 12, I went to public computers revizar messages, nothing important, would the page inuguré Easton Ellis and a discussion forum we call "racism and white people Fears in a fat nerd face baby boy writer "I myself answer my favor and then some gringo I answered something like a DEFENSE his hero, he said:" Bret himself drugged, shocked slept with models of success achievement with Less Than Zero ", I replied:" Yeah, yes, sure, But what about historical baby fat face "then had 11 posts both against and for, some said it was fucking, others that he was handsome and innocent looking and intelligent, others saw him photographed drinking from the same glass with a nice lady, others offend me but accepted my arguments, humbled end all violence and luxuriously d I left, the lady who serves is the type netizens secretarial, with lovely long legs and nylon hunter, sometimes I imagine her life, perhaps a single parent, love your neighbor she does not know who is fucking (which is not the same as gay or homosexual, homosexual, Oscar Wilde, Michel Angello .. Gay: Fredy Mercury, fucking ... others) ... anyway, it might be bad cook, good sucker puero of yards, ahhh no, this latter is not, is Mexican.
I left the place, the rain had had money and drove south on the car stereo was "Return of the big guns" of the owners of ska, the Skatellites. Turn
ziquerda (why do you say bend, turn, turn turn ....? The bells also bent, but hardly a corner rattle) and I found a Hiperlumen (hiperlumpen), I went to buy light colors I'm not smart enough to steal something without being noticed, so I bought six bottles of the basic colors pinturitas, cashiers and more women serving in the place are the same class than the aurrera or Sanborn, why he never takes me too much to pay, the same does not in any ice cream store or the tortillas, then there is a thin sweaty marie who fantasize, imagine me the other time than the tortilla rolled my penis in a tortilla and ate it sucked, my balls chirrrrriiirrrrinnnniiiieeiiii collapse making the same sound as the machine trtillas ... is easy success if you think that sound so do your balls: cchhiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrriiiiiiiiiiissssssss
I paid and left quickly, not feeling anything much less attractive and intelligent, had no great talents nor profitable ideas into money, hoping my persepción the world, I hid among the shadows waiting for the oppurtunity magic .... argghhhhh ... ....
Thank God I had a clear and sharp vision of the future of the city, the readings he had done, in one sentence:
I was happy with my mediocrity, that was my style, my secret, never compete, cheating , simulate, to convince, the happiness of life was estimated at the frequency and design metiras one asks oneself, which I discuss here in list form:
light Do not abuse, it irritates eyes. You must compañarte
music in the evenings.
Loneliness is incompatible with good humor.
Be always at hand blankets, jackets, sweatshirts.
Keeping secrets makes you a demigod, disclose in
pathetic fool Never ask your partner if she is enjoying doing it.
must know how to lose, retire with dignity when things have vecido.
Three things to always have at home: water, gas, telephone and / or stereo
Three things to keep in the car: gasoline, electricity, cleaning.
Three things to have in your life: sex, computer, toothbrush.
Three phrases to women crazy again, I've never been taken seriously until now, that nice, forgive me I am a man, you know.
The best brand of clothing: I DO NOT KNOW
Best Food: Mexican
The best woman that will laugh with you after sex.
worst thing in life: to feel hated
best, to feel loved.
is common after a tiring day at work I got home and I serve three aniseed milk and ice, although it did not worked on that day, then I thought about that for a long time since I wrote some adventure and This is because they had nothing to say that I had no adventures, not lust. I blamed myself for not having anything to say and wanted to express clearly, I think that I did not, maybe tomorrow finally arrived all these adventures I've been waiting for all life, all tits, the girls' teenage years, helicopters, rescue diving equipment, climbing ropes, stray kittens, grannies with guns, the mob of Shanghai, the struggles in mud, angry rhinos, jobs a cartoonist for the government, balloon trips and domicile saliva bras ... ... all together, would take me by surprise for a moment's notice. FIN
je je
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Excel Range Pivottablewizard

Monday, February 14, 2011
Jc Penney Hair Salon Coupons For January
Valentine, St. arrechín , calentín san, san Kite, St. violatín, St. pipilín, St. Hotelin or whatever you call on a bun. And is that since I started the day I read the more ludicrous statements concerning the subject, and very few of greetings.
I could read, Valentine was a person like any of us who fought for love and a number of things. So now everyone wants a "Valentin" . But I think now what in theory was the "Day of Love" is "Make Love Day" and I say this to sound good, but in summary is a day of meet your love, grip, trap, Gile or what have you, talk nice, walk a while, and find the right time to take a telo .
Why the hell wait for today to take? , you must be dumb to do it one day like today when everything is full, stupid excuses or using existing ones, and we must be doubly dumb to accept that you bear with the flower known to exist, "proof of love" . Think things through before taking them, and dream of kitsch.
not come under the guise of cinema, where in the end trying to do the same thing in the telo. Rochosos not please, and above all, if both say they want and / or love someone is not missing respect towards others . Not because you love gives you the right to play it in front of half the world or make disgusting shows in the streets of the city.
Try being a little more original, really show the love and affection for the person, remember that everything to full, Invent something new, do not get classic and try to be happy. Surprise your partner the best way possible.
PS: If both dying to go to telo, beware. If they can be a bit more creative, do something new and make this day a very special day.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
Tall 11 Year Old Model
The company is not a mere economic function, as it consists of social partners and performs a public function.
A social agent is an individual who not only maintains a production oriented, they also maintain other relationships with other agents result of their physical presence
Performs a public function by helping to meet the needs of society. It
therefore two major dimensions: organizational and institutional.
An organization is a group created to achieve the objectives previously defined by using a variety of resources, norms and social roles. As an organization, means:
• are organized.
• Have a common purpose.
• Maintains relationships formalized.
• You claim to last over time.
• Ability to substitute their own members.
An institution is a stable structure of social roles that individuals play as certain social forms established and sanctioned, in order to meet critical needs. These needs include the production and distribution of goods and services.
The company is focused on society and individuals is organized around goals and try to adapt the use of its resources to achieve those goals.
"A company is an organization and a social institution comprised of a group of individuals organized in a rational way to produce and distribute goods and services within a given society in terms of maximum benefit."
The company is therefore a system:
• On one side are the owners (stockholders) and the other those who participate in it (stakeholders).
• All parts are required for proper operation.
• We have to maintain relationships both within and outside the organization.
The company is a very heterogeneous reality. It can vary in size, degree of internal organization, performance criteria, etc.. This diversity can be unified under the principle of economic rationality: the search for economic gain as an objective and rational management of resources as a means to achieve it.
Max Weber defined three fundamental elements of modern Western rationalism: formal law, state and capitalist enterprise. Capitalist enterprise is the organizational core of the modern economy.
has different functions and not just one. Above all have a clear economic objective, obtaining an income or surplus. And aims to differentiate between production units and family traditionally modern enterprise.
The main rationale for a company is economic, whether the ultimate objectives, such as defining the most appropriate means to achieve it.
sociologist Alain Touraine
distinguishes three types of rationality:
• The technical-productive. Adapt to the factors of production to the objectives pursued by the company.
• The organizational. Rationally structured parts of the collective.
• The societal. Are taken into account in decisions internal and external implications thereof.
At each level of rationality is applied to a type of social relationship:
A technical rationality productive socio given a type. Aims to optimize human resources with a view to achieving the objectives the company.
The incumbent organizational rationality organizational relationships. Is to adapt to the company as a social system with the proposed objectives.
A societal relationship rightful societal relationships. Justifies its functionality through the implementation of the objectives in a legal context.
Saint-Simon wrote the Catechism of the industrial policy, which regarded industrialists as the essence of society and industry is the key for explaining the progress of the humanity.
Auguste Comte said that the industry was the result of a way to address the relationship between man and the environment (positivism or scientific thought).
Fréderic Le Play did an analysis of the lives of the working classes in his book The European workers
Friedrich Engels made the situation of the working class in England, where he describes the situation of the working classes under the capitalist system.
Charles J. Booth made a London guest workers from non-Marxist perspective, intended to analyze the relationship between the living and working conditions.
As a result we can say that early studies focused on industrial society and the relations arising in them. The most important was the labor question or employment relationship emerged with modernity.
Werner Sombart, distinguished three stages in the evolution of capitalism:
early capitalism: to mid sg.XVII.
full Capitalism: until the First World War.
Late Capitalism: From the First World War.
For Sombart the three elements that make up the manifestation of capitalism is the spirit, form and technology.
Frederick W. Taylor, denied the opposition between workers and employers. Believes that the interests of both are the same: higher wages do not mean lower benefits, so you think you can make higher wages and generate lower production costs.
The Greeks distinguished between productive and technical as unworthy of human beings, while the creative work was more proper to man. The Romans inherited this tradition
For Christianity, the work was the result of original sin and is not creative, but a divine punishment. The work is suffering and through it you can achieve salvation.
performing manual tasks, which were like a punishment and negative evaluations speculation and trading activities.
Work in the Middle Ages followed the rejection of manual labor. The social elite still distinguishing between achievement activities (honorable) and productive activities (dirty and degrading).
There were three distinct groups: leaders, military, clergy and people. The work was a collective and not accepted usury or profit. Begging was rejected.
Calvinists To work was the salvation of the soul. Individualized and the accumulation and wealth began to be well regarded. The profession is of great social and religious importance, from the idea of \u200b\u200b"vocation."
purified Profession and fulfill the divine mandate. The Calvinist ethic fostered the capitalist spirit.
During the Enlightenment, the work between its religious overtones, that is, is replaced by a secular utilitarian individualism. It accentuated the division between productive and unproductive. The first goes to the fore.
For John Locke's work is a source of social legitimacy.
The modern concept clearly distinguishes between productive and unproductive. Unproductive work has to justify its existence in terms of its usefulness.
Occurs distinction between work and employment. The paper covers all human productive activity. Employment is "a form of work developed in the framework of a contractual relationship and that market exchange is voluntary contract between the person and the person or contracting institution."
The work is divided in two forms: the art of labor and specialization of professions.
is driven by: market expansion, population growth, capital accumulation and development of media communication and education.
has a number of advantages: increased productivity and requires cooperation between business entities. And a number of problems: psychological and physical wear of the worker, monotony of work and difficulty of transfer of labor from one sector to another.
Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations formulated a theory on the social division of labor:
There is a division of labor between sectors or types of productive activity. There is also a specialization among the different types of labor and specialization within each of them.
Economic growth occurs because of the increasing division of labor productivity, increased skill, time saving and the use of machinery. The degree of division of labor is limited by the market divisions.
Karl Marx states that the division of labor increases productivity and damaging the capitalist benefit the worker. This division creates an unequal exchange between wages and labor force.
There are two types of work: the necessary and surplus.
The division of labor requires the worker to perform tasks in the manner and times indicated, without giving place to be creative. The worker ends up turning into a machine.
Max Weber encourages technological advances contribute to the development of the division of labor.
Emile Durkheim in his work The social division of labor investigated the nature, causes and consequences of the division of labor on the individual and society.
In modern societies increases the degree of specialization in order to increase efficiency. Modern society is viable on the basis of a functional interdependence.
The emergence of the factory is a control and discipline of labor, an evolution of the technical and economic efficiency, and gives prominence to the machinery.
There are new production techniques that favor dominate the work. This promotes a new social relations between employers and employees. The work becomes more technical and there is a division.
Currently, the automation of production helps to use less physical force at work and greater autonomy for workers.
Under capitalism, women's tasks are in the field of male reproduction and in production.
industrial work system clearly separates domestic and productive work. Domestic work is not productive work employment.
The female is in a situation of discrimination in the labor market productivity. This inequality is caused by four different areas:
• Assignment of women to reproductive jobs.
• Horizontal segregation of certain sectors and jobs.
• vertical segregation of women in leadership tasks.
• Remuneration and different conditions of employment for women.
Relocation: business practice that repositions certain business activities in regions of the world where production costs are lower.
Globalisation: Interconnection planet-wide individuals, groups and societies.
The work is being affected by the globalization process, as it implies the emergence of a new division of labor worldwide. Companies gain greater importance "transnational." They are characterized by offshore production and create an economy on two levels: core (skilled in the First World) and periphery (semi-qualified in the third world).
The authors have diverse opinions. For some other generates inequality and reduces the appearance of large migration flows.
borders to be created people and not goods. In receiving countries there is a double phenomenon:
• Place immigrants into niche markets: unskilled or semi-skilled.
• Rejection of immigrants by the native population.
labor market is "a specific situation in which labor is exchanged freely and voluntary between the employee and the employee in exchange for financial compensation."
• Not all forms of labor market participants.
• Must be formally free and must be paid.
• It is subject to the laws of supply and demand.
• It is the most characteristic of social work organization in capitalist societies.
In the labor market to distinguish the population: people aged over 16 providing BOUT hand. Within it are the Occupied - over 16 who are working for at least an hour a week in exchange for a fee - and unemployed - over 16 unemployed, available for work and actively seeking work.
The goods have to produce work and generate. Competition and labor are the pot's active labor market.
is not a homogeneous market and economic movement is not clear.
Rents are usually low. Limited mobility and is widely political.
The supply and demand primarily. Demand and production of goods in the global market.
Qualification and professional competence. Segmentation
science, technology and workforce expectations.
Contracts and structural inequality. The policy on the labor market.
Flexibility in the labor market has promoted there adjustments to the work and the factors production to environmental circumstances. There is a greater work flexibility.
Variations in the forms of contracts have varied. Since there is not only full-time work, but the emergence of new forms of contracts: part-time, fixed term and the commercial contract.
Social conflict can be defined as:
Lewis Coser: Fight in which the aim is to neutralize, damage or eliminate rivals.
Max Weber: social relationship, in which the action involved is reduced intentionally to keep the will of the actor against the resistance of the other party.
Georg Simmel: Conflict is aimed at resolving divergent dualisms and how to achieve a certain unity, even with the annihilation of one party.
conflicts tend to be aware and personal, identifying the parties. In them there is a clash of interests. Each party shall hold the opposite an impediment to their welfare or world view, and try to eliminate each other.
can be distinguished: pos its intensity (latent or overt), degree of involvement (direct or indirect), media use (violent or nonviolent).
Conflicts can obtain positive functions to facilitate social unity, revitalizing existing standards, to promote integration and solidarity of one group over others, creating alliances between formerly opposing groups or maintain or readjust the balance of power.
can also have negative consequences in social disruption, creating new tensions, social energy waste, a division of the people and prevented collaboration social.
is a struggle of two or more social actors in terms of resources, interests, hot or different conceptions of reality, in which each party tries to impose on others.
The company is an environment where collaboration occurs and in turn, competition for the achievement of tangible and intangible scarce, which causes the appearance of conflicts between different groups and individuals present in the sample.
Within the company there are groups with different interests and views of the behavior of the organization. There are three main groups: management, middle management and workers.
workers can use different ways to create a conflict of interest:
Absenteeism: decision to break his job.
Luddism: the destruction of the machinery of fear of job loss.
Sabotage and theft of materials: it is made anonymously.
Strike: it is made voluntarily and collectively, interrupting the work activity or altering the normal rhythm of my daily work.
Boycott: to empty, excluding an individual or a community, the social relationship or imposed as a form of pressure.
collective, union representatives formally demonstrate the existence of a conflict with the public authorities to reach a negotiated settlement.
If employers can use:
Lockout: the company as leverage voluntarily decided to suspend work activities.
Blacklist: have a relationship conflicting workers communicate with employers to not hire them.
System "divide and rule" breaks the brow of labor.
Dismissals and transfers
Most are due to policies that lead companies and public authorities: general strikes.
are also created by lack of consensus on the philosophy of the company or the job market within the company. Because
remuneration system
unions appear in the sg. XIX, in England and the U.S., as independent associations defending the interests of workers. In the other European countries are grouped around the left parties.
Spain emerged in mid-century and around this type of games. Come the two unions had more power to the Civil War: CNT and UGT.
The conflicts are resolved through negotiation or pressure between the parties (bargaining). For this negotiation is required:
• Existence of a minimum of shared interest.
• That both parties want to reach an agreement and declare some of his interlocutors.
• Be legal and involving workers and their representatives.
• Acceptance that the resulting agreement is better than the existing conflict.
The organization of the work process is the system by which coordination of productive activities in order to meet the purposes of their business. The organization in the business, means taking into account all factors involved in the production, personnel, raw materials, technology, etc.
The craftsmanship is individual. The artisan is a unique producer, as their personal qualities and skills are transferred to their work that involves the manufacture of unique products and services. This worker handles all aspects of their business.
There is no separation between home and work. The family unit should be, that the workshop is usually at the family home.
Craftsmen had a specific social group together into "unions" based on their activity.
III. Bureaucratic organization
The bureaucratic organization is the type of organization characteristic of modernity and the capitalist production system. For Max Weber, the characteristic of this type of organization is:
involves streamlining
• work to a large number of individuals by organizing systematic and coordinated activities aimed at producing the same goods or providing the same service.
• Each position is assigned responsibilities officially fixed.
• The posts are ordered by the principle of hierarchy. Which occupies a position is supervised by who is above him.
• There are rules governing the conduct of individuals in their jobs and relationships between them.
• Members are not owners, but they charge for their work.
bureaucratic organization has a "similar to the bureaucratic structure of the army" (general, colonel, commander, captain, etc..).
This arrangement is effective, especially in providing services and products to very large groups and when required extensive centralization of decisions.
The disadvantages are many. Exaggerated conformism feeds its members, continually changing the personality of the bureaucrats, diluted innovative ideas, etc.
The objective was to transfer knowledge worker's own production process, so that the organization could handle that knowledge. A clear distinction between management and labor.
However, more direct application was the integration of this method on a comprehensive business management system by Henry Ford, at first, and Alfred Sloan, then.
The characteristics of "mass production" of the Fordist system are:
- Assumes Taylorism and creates a chain system, which involves submission to the rhythm imposed by the machine.
- should be a standardization of parts and manufacturing products to be cheaper and can be sold en masse.
- The operation of the chain requires a rigorous lanning materials and assignments.
- Each part of the product must be assembled easily, reducing downtime.
- The tasks are divided. Workers do not have to travel and reduce the need for qualification. The
problem that arises with this system is that workers are not qualified and do a job and a rhythm that produces phenomena of alienation. In addition the system is valid only for large markets and for highly standardized products.
easily be copied such production if there is funding and competition emerges and the environment with lower wages. It can produce a market demand of products beyond the merely standardized.
Improvements in the system are produced by the system Sloanista (
Generals Motors). This creates a multilayered structure divisions. Combine mass production with a greater variety of products: Each division specializes in a particular product type.
What he did is take the principles in the basic model, to combine the marketing and management more effective in improving mass production.
The crisis of the previous models produced by changes in the economy and world politics: Oil crisis and decline of Western economies to the policies of expansion, massive deindustrialization and the beginning of globalization and competition worldwide.
V. Lean production (lean production)
also called lean production system "just in time" or Toyota. This new system is "the proper disposition of a product or service at any stage of the production process from the producer to the customer just in time, quantity and quality required for proper operation and minimal cost."
The basic elements of this production system are:
• Heijunka (full synchronization): synchronize all parts of the production system to avoid waste.
• Just in time (just in time) to adjust production to only produce products already sold.
• Kaizen (continuous improvement): the search for zero defects in production, to avoid additional costs to production.
• Outsourcing (outsourcing), supply chains and outsourcing certain aspects of production and integrate them into a perfectly synchronized network.
• Profit center (central business): Each of the production sites must operate as an autonomous and profitable unit within the integrated network.
Ultimately it would be a structure of a major company has a number of companies that supply the materials they need.
The problem with this production model is not adapted to humans, but is the human being who has to adapt to this system.
is an alternative to mass production model. It consists of a network of small and medium businesses join forces to compete in international environments deregulated and highly competitive.
This arrangement reduces the rigidity costs of production. It is more flexible in the use of their resources by allowing an adaptation of the product to the customer at the times and the number of workers (highest). Displayed regional economies and local support networks to the enterprise.
production is globalized, always competing in a global market.
In short there are several companies that pool their resources to produce a new product.
Criticism of this organization is because too much emphasis is given to SMEs, since their weight is not as important in the economy. Underestimated the adaptability of companies Taylorist grades.
is to humanize the work overcoming problems of mass production. This will create a variety of techniques:
• Rotation in jobs.
• Increasing the content of work and tasks.
• teams incorporating semi-automatic.
• Learning.
• Orientation al cliente.
•Disminuye el grado de automatización para adaptarse mejor al cliente.
El factor decisivo es el factor humano, pues la empresa depende de los individuos que la componen. El ser humano se caracteriza por su autonomía y por ser creativo.
La organización informal son los aspectos relacionados con la conducta humana en la empresa más allá de los previstos por la organization.
Elton Mayo conducted a series of studies that confirmed the importance for the production of informal human relations.
Social groups: plurality of individuals who are in contact with each other (Olmsted). It is characterized by a small group, have some motivation and goals, etc.
These groups can be divided according to the rate established by Charles H. Cooley:
• groups: social group whose members have a relationship personal and lasting together.
• Secondary groups: social group whose members are united by maintaining or pursue a common utilitarian purpose.
primary groups are not usually become secondary, although it usually happens in reverse. In traditional societies, social organization, usually in primary groups and in industrial societies do in high school.
The company
fundamental groups are secondary, since individuals are grouped according to utilitarian purposes and not personal.
The group emerges when solving three needs: inclusion - need contact with others and respond positively to touch - control - power we have over others and that others have on us - and affection - need to be loved by others.
capacity of certain individuals to influence others to achieve certain goals. There are five types of leadership:
• Instrumental: take into account the fulfillment of objectives previously planned.
• Expressive: take into consideration the welfare of the group. It takes into account the opinion of each member.
• Authoritarian: oriented to solve problems.
• Democratic: The leader tries to involve others in decision-making.
• Laissez-faire: it implies that the self-regulating group himself.
Social actions by an individual throughout the day by virtue of its position within a group.
The Director is the supreme authority of the administration of the affairs daily business, both internal and external.
is responsible for formulating the general policy of the company to establish and maintain relations with foreign countries and organize and manage the company.
middle managers are responsible for maintaining unity between management and other employees. Are supervisors, managers or foremen. They take orders and have to deal with workers execution.
Its function is to oversee the production, motivate, develop the spirit of teamwork and job control.
Technician is an employee with knowledge or skills, scarce and difficult to learn. Controls
production processes, helps managers and research.
Administrative Employees are people with careers within the organization. Today is a progressive feminization of employees in this sector.
The Worker is the person performing manual work, assuming a physical effort. Is simple and repetitive tasks that facilitate learning and help maintain high performance.
Try to get the employee match the values \u200b\u200band objectives of the company. The theory used is the "theory of expectations."
According to this theory, all human effort is made in expectation of achieving some success. The subject was confident that the positive consequences arising achievement for himself, which may be extrinsic or intrinsic.
According to an employee's motivation may be different behavior: in strict compliance, beyond the minimum effort or innovation.
motivation to improve their national strategies trying to redesign the post with the goal of making it more attractive to the worker: variety, identity, significance, autonomy and feedback.
According Aranguren communication is the process by which "transmit information that is held by the issue, conduction and receiving a message."
has several phases:
Coding: the issuer becomes subject ideas or feelings you want to convey in words in his mind.
Issue: when we think, as we speak.
Transmission: is a pure physical phenomenon, which depends on ambient conditions.
Reception hear the message.
Decoding: interpreting the words heard by the recipient.
Feedback: two-way communication. Is confirmed by the recipient of the correct understanding of the message.
Communication may be oral or by language or signs. Signs are things that evoke nature or by convention with the understanding the idea of \u200b\u200banother.
The meaning of each word depends on the context in which it is used. Also often accompanied by feelings, ideas or memories.
II. COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS: internal and external
The transmission of information within would be within organizations organizational communication. This communication requires that employees are informed enough to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the company.
downward communication is when it is from management to the base of the organization. Conversely, upward. When it occurs at the same level is called vertical.
downward communication channels are: by the representatives, the chain of command or by direct contact.
In upward communication used a series of procedures: interviews, surveys and question management.
Culture is "that complex whole that influences the knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, custom and any capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. "
general feature is that mankind is specific to each group. You learn, is symbolic, shared, and subject to nature. It can also be adapted or not.
Socialization is "the set of experiences that occur throughout an individual's life and allow you to develop your human potential and learn the cultural norms of the society they will live."
comprising agents of socialization are family, school, peer groups or peers and mass media.
is a set of beliefs, ideas, values \u200b\u200band practices that have worked well enough to be judged as valid, and to be transmitted to new members of the organization, as the correct model to perceive, think and feel the problems of the organization.
has a dual function: to adapt to the environment and integrate internally.
also be measured on two levels: Culture spontaneous labor or management work culture.
Organization and business management
A company is defined as a social unit consisting of people who develop certain types of activities that help achieve the objectives that a company sets itself since its inception.
Considering this aspect so important, then we will say that corporate governance is an essential tool to achieve an adequate combination of all the above items.
The process for the business management comprises the planning, organization, direction and control to be imposed on the use of all resources available to the company. Corporate governance has five variables that represent their analysis, which is people, the technology used, the work environment in which they work, the tasks to develop and structure.
As we have said, the business management is an essential tool for starting any enterprise, regardless of the type in question, and it is therefore important that we consider to corporate management as a corporate body which is responsible for create the resource productivity. It pursues this objective by people at its disposal, ie by human resources with which the same account. Can be considered to business management, as a kind of subsystem that plays a key role in the organizational system of a company, as it includes the entire organization and is the fundamental force that provides support for other subsystems. Making a much deeper analysis about business management, we find that the same holds for purposes such as the coordination of human resources, financial and material together, the performance in some specific functions, the relationship of the organization as the external environment in which develops and fundamental performance information systems and decision decisions.
business management business management has some features that appear to be in charge of training and development of it, and it is very important that these be considered when developing a management plan for a company, for example, first we can say that corporate governance works in a specific way in its results. Although we can not avoid linking corporate governance with many other factors that influence the development of a business, business management must be specific and different about them all. Second unit highlight appropriate time: Usually when talking about business management is essential to know that it is divided into different stages and elements that combine to help achieve a better performance of that business.
is also important to take into account the hierarchical unit which is measured as the business management is usually carried out by different people with different degrees, so a company is able to form a single person managing body that will from senior manager to the last employee, but each has a fundamental importance in the development of management. Another key feature of which is described corporate governance is undoubtedly its instrumental value.
himself tells us that corporate governance is only a means to help the company to realize all the goals it has. Finally, we do not ignore the fact that corporate governance is a proper use of its principles, its processes and procedures, as well as methods and many other sciences that are usually related to efficiency in this work to be performed .
To explain this in a much more specific, we can say that corporate management uses such as science mathematics, economics, law, statistics, sociology, psychology and anthropology, and we believe that this fundamental business tool usually has a flexibility which is very convenient, since it has principle and management techniques tend to adapt well to all those needs of the business or social group in question, required.
models of business management: organized crime or ethical values \u200b\u200b
Mary Cherian Tarrillo
For many companies the state is a unacceptable state that has to be reinforced, for others it is an unchangeable fact, to be negotiated.
Companies need to find better ways of producing and providing services, without losing the values \u200b\u200band principles, and that the absence of codes of conduct, emerging businesses within businesses, which make even seeing the immorality of their actions not be avoided.
This is because there are companies that only care about doing business, it is for this reason that justifies all means, whether lawful or not.
So many lose the values \u200b\u200band principles, just think of the results and use resources illegitimate, this criminal activity destroys tissue social institutions and value systems.
companies are said to act outside the law when they make a bribe, this highlights the complicity or silence, thus expanding the spaces of power, using public equipment for personal interest, the fraud to take advantage of the impunity that provides economic or political power.
What you want with this article is trying to expand the business management, where many firms operate on an irregular basis to maintain and continue to grow, passing above the law if losing credibility.
But there are companies that have their way in a responsible manner, respecting their ethical values, not entering into illegal business.
Many companies choose the side of corruption as a way of survival, not to disappear and keep growing no matter how badly they are doing, but there are companies with ethical principles and values, clear that these not grow rapidly as companies that break the law, but if you give your customers the confidence that they and the country needs.
Friday, February 11, 2011
At What Temperature To Copper Pipe Freeze
Suddenly I got a call in the middle of English class, I pressed any button to stop ringing my phone and obviously the teacher almost kills me. I put my phone on vibrate and within minutes I received a message from my broder, I'll call M, telling me they were waiting . I met my two Broders, M and E. We were talking a moment, we come to my house, took my dog, I had dinner and went back out. Suddenly I said "let's have some chelas" of step goodbye holidays M. I agreed and we went to shopping, drinking and talking of many things, if dogs, chifas, the cooks, the food, life, sports and more . After a few hours M was forced off and went to board. Took the car and when we were returning calm to E, each home, E told me "I have wanted to keep on drinking, do not know why today I am with that desire" . We spend more to buy some chelas and suddenly started talking and ended up in the subject, which in my opinion, all men arrived.
We talk about the biggest problem that we can sometimes have, WOMEN and read it. And is that women bring us complications that if we want to, if we like each other, if we suffer for that, and from there if we want something . It is a bigger problem we have, Why there is no manual to understand them? Each one is different each time, we complain that all the pessimists, the bossy, sexual, the erotic, the free, the smiling, the traumatized, the frightened and more . But yes, you can never be against what they say. And talking to E we would realize that sometimes we do not know what to do for a woman to be happy, and it is often better to keep quiet and not say. And to be honest, every woman we are attracted by and for something different. Women do not give
joy, suffering, sadness and many feelings, but I think it always brings a special moment . In the end What would we do without them? , and ended it with a paragraph of a Arjona song "say it was a rib, had given my spine to see them go" .
PD: Definitely, women are the best we have, I think that without them life would not be so wonderful, indeed, without them we would not be here. And finally, accept that men are talking about is what most of them. Women, remain as they are, if not life will not have that special touch you give.
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
Where Is The Memory Card Slot On A Laptop
not remember how, but a few days listening to my friends, seeing different things and remembering a topic that was on the radio some time I decided to write about this, my point of view, my thoughts, my ideas. The basics, so to speak, must have a relationship in my opinion .
At the beginning there were only 5, but now I have 6: Friendship, trust, respect, communication, love and spontaneity . Now try to explain these points quickly, and give reasons for that are here.
Friendship is the first thing to have a relationship, friendship generate to know well the other person . It is clear that a friendship is not equal to the couple, but it helps.
Trust, with which we can be sure what the other person says or does. This can help lessen the fear of what might happen. If confidence is lost, it is very difficult to regain . Respect
, above all things must be present. Respect the space of each individual, respect their friends, respect their tastes, his thoughts, his decisions and above all respect the person as such .
communication, we have it at all times. Talking about our problems, help us, tell another person that bothers us, we like, we dislike. This in all fields relationship, even when making love. Love
, which of course is that if there is not worth it to continue or begin a relationship. When love ends, there is no solution to the problem . Spontaneity
to carry a relationship fun, mischievous, playful and unusual. We base it on a daily routine the relationship must have new things all the time .
seems to me all the things mentioned are linked to each other, if we will have good communication friendship full of confidence which will show respect between the couple and the love will grow more and add spontaneity to a happy ending .
PD: Discuss your relationship good, think good things before them and be happy. If you think I missed something do not hesitate to discuss it.
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