Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Styrofoam Wedding Cake San Diego

The best of all possible worlds we've ever dreamed he teaches

By Alex Fdz G

When I left home in the middle of the street, a school bus was diverted by alleged activists who claimed their rights, the protesters had blocked the streets and marched in protest for a Míting in the streets.

Like other times I thought that if I sneak in the crowd could follow my path taken by the current for a few blocks and arrive at my destination.

Everything ran

calm, no shouting or slogans organized a silent march seemed the only thing that bothered me is that everyone was holding hands.

So taken from the hands of other marchers pretended a little more until a repulsive smell made me turn to my fellow revolt.

Santa Maria la Ribera! It was a march of zombies, all panting disorganized, their semi purulent spit and pissed organs are exposed and sunning in the middle of a lovely evening though totally abhorrent.

For fear of awakening their appetite (and justifiably had more fear that insurance were very hungry, it took all afternoon to demonstrators), I managed to go unnoticed among them, as was seen in a movie if you acted dragging their feet and waved his hands clawing the air as you confused with a of them, and that I did.

As soon as a cloud of flies swirling in ahujereada bald head and my companion on the left, the right one was gone, I realized that I be holding his hand loose from his body hanging from the other serving all toy next to a naughty zombie Chihuahua puppy that someone had brought to Míting. Impossible

parade and agony of nonsense or that RIEF, some headless zombies confused direction and collided with them to lock themselves in a maze of bodies inadvertent ... other more astute zombies stopped at the post of snacks and without much commotion, called 200 quesadillas all brains.

Finally we reached the destination, which was a specially designated public place for rallies, he was the leader zombie (maybe a former union boss) who took the floor, the square, which facilitates the government to citizens that request, was literally packed.

"we are tired urrggg Ñammm of injustice, lack of respect and abuse of Nuestrso zombiens brothers here and around the world ... ñammm gluii Ghul ... "exclaimed

the late and former fine gentleman now without the fixed jaw, but holding and moving up and down by hand to achieve a kind of ventriloquism with his own head, obviously the other hand holding the microphone.

"huuuuaaarghhhhh" rested with his moans of other former citizens ... "arghh NMAA ñmamm"

Some militants had begun to despair and looked to the police with suspicion, but as a reporter and photographer spent seemed more desperate ... I guess that in the brain shortage of officers, a significant period but rather a sickly delicacy dish of brains at last. But, and that I had not been identified to me? I do not know ... .. DO NOT BE .. Anyway ... that was telling? Mmm .. if it has Volume place then ... another speaker, it seems that another life was bedete or lady of the show as her big boobs had not lost volume or firmness, the plastic implants take at least 500 years in recycling, she already knew and elasticity live up to a podium.

"ÑAMMM by zombies and the dead and undead, and by the animated corpses and dead bodies ... we are fed up glluuu use us with such contempt in his films, in video games on their cell phones and all the merchandising logic, with no respect what we are ... we were once human, and we want to be treated with DigIn .. ñammm GLUU ....

"huuuuaaarghhhhh" returning to support their moans of other former citizens ... "arghh NMAA ñmamm"

While most looked to lie elsewhere swayed drooling.

Finally the day's agenda was closed, had discussed all issues, there was a small scuffle with scratches and wails when a speaker's words confundiendio said

Today "brains" zombie pride day ...

Another issue I remember was that of his new social nomeclatura:

dead person with special skills
undead in hunger
compulsive eaters without vital signs

finally returns home safe and sound, the zombies returned to their crypts and cemeteries, Some slept under bridges and other stunt work in horror films, I think it was a nice day, many people who had known could see, as in a meeting re school. All right, there was a covenant not creneana tasting for the day, I liked everything except the applause, because his hands were wormy sounds horrendous when they gave standing ovations, sounded like two octopuses beat in your ears wet.

Times had changed, sociedadades organized in different tasks that are divided according to their abilities and no one was unhappy, zombies and respect gained ground, especially in job performance difficult or dangerous, there was much demand for difficult experiments with explosives or extreme conditions, also work under water or use night shifts had more than 348 hours in a very short time, this world would be the best of all worlds we have ever dreamed possible. He considered dangerous


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