When I said I'd be among those invited to present my artistic creations at a book fair ZOCALO not imagine that would be the end of the penultimate day of activities ... and so fast to prepare my thoughts to PROVIDE a brief speech. Here is the text thought:
Hello hello ... cough cough does it work this microphone? Would I listen back there?
(sound of sheets of paper and swallowing sound of liquid-glu-glu-glu)
Cof cof. emmm
what is literature ...? What is poetry? What things make you a lover of the texts?
... Grateful to expose my ideas here, I have prepared some thoughts I've had in my encounter with literature ...
Cof cof
As was suspected, persons engaged creating texts I find repulsive, loose and rather cowardly ... a chubby rosy cheeks and Paco Ignacio Taibo II, who is seen as the leader of the detective novel and the historical novel, tells the story of great characters, all with eggs, bullies, heroes renegade whose guts are admiration and in this case narration mejillitas obesitos of roses, as just mentioned.
The deflated balloon Monsivais desdespera me no matter how old or "critical left" or "putazo" but inexpurgable ... osea shitter purge their texts with cultured Multifonía that rather dizzy, desperate and they lose the urge read, so in this show the book thank you invite me to play .. are the weasels!
rumpura sound of violent esparcimeitno ojas and objects of the podium table.
.. one two three four
EXTRACTED TEXT OF SCRIPT TO BE READ IN CONCERT ninth Socket book fair and was suspended for no reason to fuck your mother!

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