approx. I read a post on a blog that I do not remember what it was in truth. The important thing is what he said this "why young people do not use twitter" thing I saw the title as soon encouraged me to read and over I said to myself WTF those reasons do not seem the best and I felt this info was not entirely accurate. Well I thank you wrote that because I was inspired to write the reasons why I use the twitter many including me. If someone disagrees with me on writing only tells me so.
best to use twitter is that you can learn everything that happens in the world without doing much. I think medium is full and prompt information that can be , combining television stations, newspapers, journalists, artists and reporting on any event. Besides this you can type whatever you want, whenever and as you think. No limitations .
is incredible to read all giving their views on important national issues or international and saying things without mincing words, directly. And not talking to air, but speaking directly to the person in charge or involved in the news.
explain to my knowledge of what we can do on Twitter, the first thing you read who want to read. If you wonder how work that is easy to answer for those who use facebook this is like a fanpage the difference is that here not give him a like but give him a follow (follow). Thus as mentioned above who want to read and I read he wants to. People who read you are your followers (followers) and your reading are your Following (row). Apart from this you can create lists of your followers and Following this if you do not really know because you do not use it, so just mention it. Of course you can write to any single person with an @ mentioning it (it was first mentioned in twitter and facebook then step) . And of course there are the DM (direct message) serving as an inbox, this type of message we can send only to our followers.
We can choose our favorite tweets too, something maybe a little similar to what you have facebook, but here the mark with a star's favorite. Besides hashtag can exist, similar to the labels mentioned with a # which tell us that you are speaking on tweet and help us locate any tweet that address the same subject. When this is repeated several times hashtag makes the list of TT (trending topics) that indicate the most spoken at that time, which are varied and range from birthday greetings, names of some artist, international news, phrases any type and more. To learn more about some meanings of tagdef hashtag visit.
I think I forget to start with something important that is "write what are called tweets, and there are RT (retweets) which helps us to suggest to our followers that we have read the tweet. Ah
I read in a post that I mentioned at the beginning "young people do not have a definite subject of our interest is therefore more difficult to use twitter" , my answer is simple we can read and tell about all the issues we interested in and know everything that we choose, even to know to what we do not know.
Certainly the fact that used comparisons between facebook and twitter does not mean that any of them have implemented the first option, I think that social networks grow together according to your needs and each is characterized by its own.
Finally, for those who think that twitter is more limited I say that there are thousands of applications to upload photos, videos, files, share music, shorten URL's, do Twitcam (connection live video) and everything imaginable. Also applications to manage the web via twitter from the computer or the phone. I use tweetdeck .
PD: more info here (download the book) but they should create an account on twitter and discover a new world of possibilities. And follow me @ magnobolivar
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