Friday, January 21, 2011

10th Century Agriculture

Tuesday January 22, 1991 at 00:20 am, came into the world. And I'm more than sure that when you open your eyes thanked God the greatest gift of my life , which to this day with me and I know that will follow me for a long time. Because the best gift you have received are dear parents, because they are responsible and guilty that you are today, thanks to them am what I am , and because they know me.
's twenty years of life, filled with joys, sorrows and more , things worth living and know how to deal with, now I wonder: if life were easy what would be the point of living? . To my mind the things we are what we live, thank every minute of life I have , because every minute I get an experience and I have to learn to live better.
I came to the base 2, and it's amazing. I'm happy with everything that I did today was delighted with the support of my family, glad to know so many people like each of you. I know better things come, and will depend on my knowledge to address them, seize them and enjoy them. Now I just celebrate and thank for being with me.

PD: I will live a full Core 2. My parents love you forever. And thank to life for every person I've met and known.


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