No words can describe what a mother means in the lives of their children, and there is no way completely able to express all my feelings to mine.
All I can say is, THANK , for your wit, lessons, joys, sorrows, and undeniable support. Just over 20 years on this journey of no return or end a journey with obstacles and difficulties, in which they gave me everything I needed and I never gave back.
Because as I said, nothing after pregnancy suddenly grab you and plan things ahead, and from that moment were my greatest support. And if many thought would not make it, well, here we are and we all face after 11 years you dared to start again, adding a new passenger-trip, and now all together (you, my dad My sister and I) are happier than ever. For all you gave me, give and will continue, because a mother always forgives, always listening and always accompanies Happy Day Mom!, I love you .
PS: I leave a very good song, the song says many true things, things we see, like everything that made our mothers
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