Popayán, November 2008
Agent Controller Area Projection
RID Fatima
Pasto Nariño
YO__________________________________ identified as shown at the bottom of my signature and my fingerprint, I would ask you repay all of my investment or savings made in the company PROJECTIONS RID, operated by the state through 4333 and 4334 Decrees of 17 November 2008 .- The value of the investment amounts to the sum of _________________________________($ ________________) for which I would attach the following documents required ONLY NOTICE issued in furtherance of the above decrees on 21 inst. Not to proceed to full reimbursement of my investments, I reserve my constitutional right of access to justice to establish the respective claims for damages that are occasioned:
1 .- Original Receipt No. ____________por value
2 .- Copy of the citizenship identification
This application is accompanied by the note of personal presentation to judicial office competent and my fingerprint.
Notifications will be sent to _______________________________________del Barrio__________________________, teléfono______________, email _____________________de Popayan Cauca.
cc No. __________________________________ ______________ Fingerprint
Agent Controller Area Projection
RID Fatima
Pasto Nariño
YO__________________________________ identified as shown at the bottom of my signature and my fingerprint, I would ask you repay all of my investment or savings made in the company PROJECTIONS RID, operated by the state through 4333 and 4334 Decrees of 17 November 2008 .- The value of the investment amounts to the sum of _________________________________($ ________________) for which I would attach the following documents required ONLY NOTICE issued in furtherance of the above decrees on 21 inst. Not to proceed to full reimbursement of my investments, I reserve my constitutional right of access to justice to establish the respective claims for damages that are occasioned:
1 .- Original Receipt No. ____________por value
2 .- Copy of the citizenship identification
This application is accompanied by the note of personal presentation to judicial office competent and my fingerprint.
Notifications will be sent to _______________________________________del Barrio__________________________, teléfono______________, email _____________________de Popayan Cauca.
cc No. __________________________________ ______________ Fingerprint