Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Scooter Wheels For Sale Metal Core

Fellow directors and investors

Once issued decrees with the force of law in an extraordinary way the President can issue the decree as an exceptional measure the social and economic emergency, leads us to change the policy and approach in the sense that no must aim to overthrow a decision such as that issued the superintendency with which intervened to RID. Both
Resolution 1778 as the Emergency were violating the law and the constitution, since there was no failure of justice to condemn and outlaw the capture of our investments. Second, because from the moment they recognized the commercial register, the State had already accepted the legality of the company also profited from it are the juicy pay taxes, etc. Irregular accounting of a company is to investigate not to intervene, let alone call a state of emergency that conjure the situation.

The legal way to clearly expands our return of capital invested. We advance any legal action, but if we want an expeditious solution to bring down the operation and we get to reconcile with the employer, we must coordinate nationwide protest could paralyze the country, and we have to do it, missing only will available and above all, organization. For this is vital to unite with other social forces, this is a must. Because we were like any ordinary citizen, devoid of all, if we are aware that we invest capital saved, but also provided, efforts, sales and real estate. Today, politics marrullas passes for denouncing President, to promote the financial monopoly and go lance in rest against companies which are not wings has found nothing illegal. So the emergency is illegal and unconstitutional .-

intervention and the return in terms of the decrees have at least 3 or 4 poisons
1 .- There sieve in refund requests
2.-A refund on the basis of cash seized which in itself implies that there will be for all and if we play the crumbs.
3 .- Together with this whole bureaucratic intervention cost (ground staff, flight, sites, experts) will come out of our talk, which continues to shrink the bag.
4.-this is the worst: it will be returned only to the principal amount invertido., if a person has recovered its capital investment style will be removed from the ride. (Here we must remember that lost time, work, payment of rows, but above all, people who retired before that quit his job, which went into debt to access the benefits will be seriously injured) .-

5 .- The settlement does not last a month or a year, then we will then be on the verge of waiting 2, 3 or 4 long years for us to deliver who knows what percentage of our investment and this does not help us .

Therefore, it is time to organize the regional strike and then in coordination with other affected country, the National Civic INDEFINITE STRIKE, the only measure to ensure that our savings and our hopes are realized in the shortest possible time.


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