Monday, April 4, 2011

Gold Air Soft Desert Eagle

be gord @ as I

Yesterday, Sunday, April 3, after seeing the debate I went to the internet for a while and in my desire to go to bed early, I tuned a few minutes past midnight. At that point I started to do zapping and came across a movie called "To be fat like me" , which led me to write this post. The strips, in short, is the discrimination that exists toward the fat, and do not want this to sound derogatory in itself is a documentary for a class project.
Although, I think the degree of discrimination in our country is less than we find in the movie, but this does not mean that there are people with stupid thoughts that feel superior to have a figure "slim." I'm not skinny, nor fat, do not really know what to call it, I can be "average", "thick" and not say "normal" because I do not think being skinny or fat means to be "abnormal."
The point itself is, appearance does not make the person, you do not change their way of being, but we should not let others influence us and lead us to be depressed. What I do is wrong is not to love our bodies and keep hurting ourselves, being overweight is not good for health, but as said in the film, do you think someone looks at the health skinny girls? , for NO, are by their appearance, as they look. And of course, being skinny does not mean being good, anyone can become a disease without being influenced by their weight, one should look for is prevention. Depends on oneself to be happy as it is, succeed, overcome difficulties and smile at life. The film shows a young girl wanting to experience life as a fat person is completely transformed, but not change its attitude and way of being, does not let anyone look down on and treated as if it mattered less than the others, is given its place and it shows people that they can do whatever they want with it, and above all, helps another person to overcome this. There are also raw and sad parts, but the general idea is to show that we are all human. In the end, this girl is "disguised" as fat to a party of friends, which shows that often not even our own friends accept the fact that a fattening, she goes with a friend, either had been invited, but obviously no one looked bad to the skinny, but looked bad in the fat, and even said he had not been invited. I hope
that after this we learn to value people for who they are, not just appearance.

PD: I do not write post concerning the movies I see, but in this case, it is worth.

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