Sunday, July 30, 2006

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LAWS, amended by Law 20,050

qauqella Act is unconstitutional in departure or contradicts any of the rules that the cpr (Constitution of the Republic) states, as they must be subordinated to it. This is because the principle of Supremaciía Constitutional element of rule of law and enshrined in art. 6 and 7 of the cps. This principle states that any agency of the State, judiciary, authority, person, institution or group must submit to the CCPR, which is basically and how the fundamental rule of the State, which must undergo all the legal rules and decisions of the rulers and the ruled. The inçconstitucionalidad can be: Form: is set if you have not met the constitutional requirements set for the processing of the law. Background: This occurs if the law infringes on any of the rights guaranteed by the organs of judicial cpr 1 .- The Constitutional Tribunal. a. - ensures the supremacy of the Constitution before the law comes into force, ie, during processing b. Appeal hearing the unconstitutionality c. Appeal hearing the

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

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Concept. Appeal procedure is the legal act of a party or person having authority to act, by which is challenging a court decision within the same process that gave requesting review to eliminate the harm that has been caused maintains its enactment.
action elements:
1. must be referred by the legislature the existence of the resource, determining the tribuinal to be aware of it and the procedure to be followed for resolution.
2. procedural legal act of a party or person having authority to act
3. Existence of an injury to the appellant
4. Challenging a court within the same process which gave
5. review of the judgment
Principles for Chilean resources system
hierarchical principle applies mainly to determine the jurisdiction T a R, there are very few exceptions that are expressly stated by law. According to this rule, the appeal must always hear and determine the immediate superior of T that gave the resolution at issue.
Article 110. Once set under competition law of a lower court to determine at first instance of a particular case, is equally determined that the superior court must hear the same case on appeal.
Principle of double jeopardy:
principle of estoppel. The R has a chance or fatal period within which may be presented as if they were deducted by such time shall be declared inadmissible for having extinguished the power
Classification of resources:
According to intention:
invalid: Appeal and review
Resources Amendment: Appeal and replacement
disciplinary purposes Resources: A resource for complaints and disciplinary complaint
According to the Court before which are filed and who fails
Rec that stand before the same T that gives the same resolution for the failure: clarification, correction and amendment and replacement
that stand before the same T that made the decision to the failure of the superior hierarchical appeal and judicial review in the form
that stand before the same T that gives the resolution for failing to competition "per saltum" not superior but the upper hierarchy T East: R invalidity against a final sentence pronounced by an oral T or warranty by the J a simplified procedure, which stands for any of the grounds and attending the specific circumstances under the law. R
that are filed directly at the T stipulated by law for purposes that fails the same: to review complaints and done.
According to this source opposition to greater or lesser amount of judgments:
R regular. Proceeds against most judgments R
extraordinary: one in which the legislature has established specific grounds for determining the merits of the case prevents them from bringing a party for the sole audience of injury inflicted by a resolution.
According to the decision under challenge
R Principal. Whoever stands against a resolution that resolves the dispute referred to the court's decision.
R incidental. One that stands against the resolution does not resolve the conflict, but fall about incidents or procedures of the dispute.

     Article 182     . Notified of a final or interlocutory or any    
    the parties, the court may not      dictated  alter or amend    
    any way. It may, however, upon request, to clarify the    
    obscure or doubtful points, save the omissions and rectify errors    
    copy, reference or numeric calculations appear to    
    manifest in the same sentence.      
    The provisions of this Article shall not prevent the rebel then    
    use right under Article 80.      
Concept: Legal act of the trial court issued a final ruling or interlocutory, who acting ex officio or upon request of either party the process proceeds to clarify points dark or doubtful, save the omissions and errors corrected copy, reference or numeric calculations that appear clear in the statement.
Legal Nature: There is at this point a discussion on the one hand the doctrine states that it is a resource, since it tends to modify a sentence, including a point on which there has been no clear statement or not understood by the party.
Others say it's not a resort but rather an assurance that action is a mere incident in the formation of the sentence, for it gives the following reasons:
not satisfied with the purposes of an appeal
No legitimate grievance or charges which the plaintiff to enforce an action
There is no time for exercise
should be exercised even against of final sentences
Objective: Clarify
obscure or doubtful points, explain the real content of the declaration of intention made in error, matching it wanted with the statement. Only the expression is correct and will not achieve that by this means can change the scope or content of the sentence.
omissions. This is to fill the gaps of the sentence in the decision of requests that were made by the parties in a timely manner and within the process. It is necessary that the case of an inadvertent error of T, that is, not an omission on a claim that is denied.
rectify errors
copy, reference or numeric calculations that appear clear in the statement. This is to correct or amend any material errors that may have occurred in the document which it contains the sentence as a manifestation of will.
Resolutions on which it comes.
  be brought against the final judgments and interlocutory, the legislature failed to include the orders and decrees and resolutions on which the option can be exercised for clarification. However, it could be interpreted to be exercised by the court in the merit of the powers granted by law to correct the procedural errors.    
  opportunity to exercise it.    
  must be distinguished:    
  A. automatically by the T.    
    Article 184). The courts, in the case of Article 182, may also automatically corrected, within five days after the first notification of the sentence, the errors listed in that article.          
  This article establishes a fatal period of 5 days from the first notification of the decision for the T exercises the option. It has been argued (Libedinsky) that the T could only be acting officially under 184 errors corrected copy, reference or numeric calculations that appear clear in the same sentence, but in no case could exercise the power informally clarify obscure or doubtful points or save omissions.    
  B.  parte   
  The legislature within the CPC has not provided any time limit within which they can exercise the option and may require clarification, correction and amendment at any time, even in the case of final judgments or judgments rendered or for which has a pending appeal.    
  The reason for not setting a deadline for parties to exercise this power is that through it does not alter the aims of the Judgement and thus infringe against the authority of res judicata it emanates executed if found.    
  Processing and presentation purposes relating to    
Article 183 made the claim, the court may rule on it without further processing or after hearing the other party, and while suspended or not the proceedings of the trial or execution of the sentence, depending on the nature of the claim.
Consequently T is authorized by law to resolve the request for clarification plane or give the handling of the incident. Art. 183 gives the power to decide whether to suspend the conduct of the trial or execution of sentence according to the nature of the claim.

Recursos que proceden en contra de la resolución que aclara, rectifica o enmienda una sentencia

a. la interposición de un recurso en contra de la sentencia, no impide que el T de oficio o a petición de parte efectúe una aclaración, rectificación o enmienda de ella.

b. El plazo para interponer un recurso de apelación en contra de la sentencia definitiva o interlocutoria no se suspende por la solicitud de aclaración que se hubiere formulado

C. Article 190 (213). The term for appeal does not suspend the application for reinstatement referred to in Article 181.
Nor is suspended for the request for clarification, addition or correction of the final decision or interlocutory. The failure to resolve about the request or that corrections are made automatically in accordance with Article 184, be final in all cases where it would be the sentence to which it relates, provided that the amount of the thing said, adding or entertain the complaint rectified.
   2. RESET R     
Article 181. The orders and decrees shall be implemented and maintained firm from acquiring this character without prejudice to the power of the court that has decided to change them or leave them without effect if new facts are asserted so require.
Even without this background may be made before the court order or decree issued its replacement, within five days after notice fatal. The court rules of flat and place a resolution denying this application is final, subject to the appeal of the ruling sought if the action is appropriate.
  concept: R is the legal act procedural challenge, which is derived exclusively from the injured party and is to request the same T that given the decision to amend or vacate effect.    
  a. is an action of withdrawal. Presented with the same T that made the decision to get it resolved it.    
  b. This resource comes from the judicial power of the T    
  c. Is an ordinary appeal. Proceeds against the generality of the pleadings and decrees.    
  Resolutions against rehearing which may arise   R  
  General rule: against the orders and decrees    
  Exception: interlocutory orders against certain    
  a. the decision to get tested cause    
  b. Na resolution citing the parties to hear sentence, after the deadline that the parties have to comment on the test    
  c. T resolution of appeals declaring inadmissible the appeal    
  d. The resolution declaring the requirement of appeal    E. 
  The resolution declaring the appeal inadmissible    
  f. The resolution rejecting the appeal on the merits by reason of a manifestly unfounded.    
  g. The resolution denies the request for the appeal in the background is heard and resolved by the full T    
 Subject  entitled to deduct R    
  is the aggrieved with the ruling given by the T    
  procedural opportunity to deduce the action    
  a. Replacement to be exceptionally against some interlocutory orders. Individual within 3 days, discontinuous, non-renewable and non-fatal any extension support.    
  b. Regular replacement. The replenishment request is asserted against an order or decree within 5 days from the notification of the decision, not to assert new information. Within 5 days is individual, discontinuous, legal, non-renewable and non-fatal supports expansion whatsoever.    
  c. extraordinary replacement. In the event of a major replacement against an order or decree making assert new facts, we must distinguish.    
  - scope. In civil matters only applies in the case of cars and decrees    
 -Concept of new information. Supreme Court has defined as "any fact that legal consequences existing but unknown to the T where that is the respective resolution. Consequently it is unacceptable that can estimate new precedent invoked as a legal provision already in force at the time that was given the order or issued Providence whose amendment is sought.    
 -Lack of time for filing. It has been argued that no time limit for lodging an appeal, so he can be brought at any time. The case for putting a limit on the filing has been assimilated into the incident "because the accompanying new information, the party that makes an incident does matter, and if such records are relevant to the essential steps of the procedure may be made without time limit and otherwise, as soon as they arrive to share knowledge and still pending execution of judgments "   
  Form deduct administrative appeal    
  Although the legislature did not expressly stated to be deducted in molten form, noting the decision against which it appears and end requesting that it grant the replacement, leaving the resolution null and void or modifying it in a way that is appropriate. It is possible to deduce the appeal in a subsidiary for the event to be rejected replacement    
  Processing  replacement   
  a. Replenishment orders and decrees outstanding against. Should be given the treatment provided under general rules for ancillary matters or incidents. The filing suspends the effect or enforcement of the order or decree which was filed against the submission of the application and before the T will fail.    
  b. Regular replacement. Article 181 states that the T is pronounced PLANO.    
  Reset the test interlocutory    
Article 319 . The parties may request reinstatement within three days, the decision referred to in the preceding article. Consequently, they may request an amendment to the facts in issue set, to eliminate some or adding others.
The court rules on the replacement plane or processed as an incident.
The appeal against the decision of Article 318 only may be brought in the character
subsidiary of requested replacement and if it is not welcome. The appeal was granted only in the devolution effect.
  The filing of the appeal to suspend enforcement of the resolution to get the case to trial while it is not resolved.    
  Resources coming against the resolution that welcomes the replacement.    
  Article 181 in its final paragraph cocedería the appeal to the party to whom it was the resolution that was subject to reconsideration, it provided that the resolution that welcomes the reinstatement review the nature of interlocutory ruling.    
  If the resolution fails against a replenishment order or decree or decree maintains the character:    
  -     Deret If the car or may be appealed, applies 188 cpc    
  -     If the order or decree is final, it does not follow new replenishment    
  -     The resolution is not the nature of an interlocutory ruling either first or second class.    
  Resources coming against the resolution rejecting the replacement    
  a. If the replacement part to deduct has filed the appeal alternative, it must be awarded if appropriate according to the rules.    
  b. If no appeal filed the subsidiary, would not appeal directly after posiblededucir against the resolution that the replacement decision.    
  Art. 181 in its final paragraph states "the decision to deny the replacement location is final."    

[1] Based on "Resources" Prof. Miquel Cristian Maturana, notes Litigation Department of Faculty of Law University of Chile, July 2003