Monday, March 22, 2010

Monster Jam Truck Drivers

Schopenhuer attitude change and personal growth for office.

2 readings enjoyable

The minutes shorter than a dedicated itself inserted before the daily routine, work, office, transport etc, well these Minutillo dedicated to coffee, reading in the bathroom, shower, etc, are invaluable, and really, I found him reading like to dwell on fed interest.

The first leaves that are found on the net happen by chance ... digging in the trash I found Before Another Thought you think of a certain Bruce Doyle I do not remember the path of links from which I had to go but had to be in the Batman movie The Dark Knight, which when finally I was interested to see the pile of DVDs I have at home, and liked, has a rather elaborate script and watch out, many interesting phrases anarchists, with reflections and even an example of game theory, etc.

Butler tells the young millionaire:

"Because Some Men Are not looking for anything logical, like money. They Can not Be Bought, bullied, reason or Negotiate With. Some men just want to watch the world burn "

"Because some men are not looking for anything logical, like money. They can not be bought or intimidated, you can not negotiate or reason with them. Some men just want to see the world burn "

And so ... saying that I found these leaves Before I loved you ... and defines the result of random thoughts as we played live, things that happen to us and that inorporamos personal truths, beliefs and belief systems that permeate our actions, emotions and often do not have the ability to analyze ... or replaced.

Oops, then talks about energy, waves, vibrations are evidence that the thoughts construct reality, for example, if you like a type of music that emits a radio station, I called, my favorite season, my music, but the truth is only broadcast frequencies, vibration the energy emitted in megahertz and millions of cycles per second, and you can not see ... also happens in life, high energy vibe in the space around us and not see ... that our senses have a limited frequency range ... blah blah and concludes that with someone you just know you look nice and feel comfortable, if so, the book declares, "may have the same beliefs that tu "je" grand right?

Obviously the book is on the wave good girl and so achieve good whip up a bunch of lazy confined in any public building or any agency full of obese, envious or bitter. At the end look for their deliveries, orders, notes, reviews, products, improve time, quality and blah blah, things office.

Well, I like ... a text is generally bland, but effective. In well-organized paragraphs, where a schema defines the active part of the life experiences that touch experience, "if I am poor as I can experience Me rich?"

, how finished reading? How to get to the part where it focuses on reaching an early to work, do not know, we'll see.

Another reading is a great thinker, clear, fresh and now the book is called "The art of being right of Arthur Schopenhauer, very pleasant and acuadalado examples and variations in tone, not even have advanced much between the leaves and I feel so eloquently accompanied by an accomplice, a thinker inexplicable absent in the imagination and shared thoughts of modern life

Then what happened? As should end this brief note, Gino or log flag?

advised to return to track and place pending Schopenhauer between readings, and current is impeccable but not power!

(note change of reflection episodic)

Well well I went out with both bath references in my head ... when I realized, had operated a change in me, I was optimistic and even happy, in the transport imagined the faces of people with smiles and so excited to take me to laugh. What good it makes people smile! and while not wanting or not I know all were smiling.

while I went with the lady of the juice that exudes flirtatious: "uy you fell from heaven ... does not come as?" stop the truth from me seemed to go rather somewhat affected, strange, and one day to angry faces why not take coins and paid him a ticket and not so great ... go, I thought, I do not want those fighting back, and let go ... but now with my new smile projector decided to go for a juice.

later before I get into my work, I saw a beautiful sparrow perched on a telephone cable, alone, unchanging, pure white .. Am I the one? Putazazo I be?

Oh how beautiful and tacky sparrow, perhaps I was simply showing off their breasts spongy form of greeting.


"Our civilized world is just a masquerade where are men, priests, soldiers, doctors, lawyers, priests, philosophers, but they are not what they represent, but only the mask, under which, generally hiding money speculators. "

"Hence that often men love women Feis, but never effeminate men because they can not neutralize them such default"


Dedicado a ti CHAPIS

Garrickland =A state of-facts-geometry-favorite places and thougths characterized by unrealistic expectations or a lack of seriousness.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Making Cuticle Grow Back

meter fakirs?

meter Fakirs

hear and if all those skinny cut give them full of pillows, so they do not recusten in glasses, but in pillows?,

or better yet, I throw the floor on a pillow and so I laugh at people who can not bear to see those fakirs of the metro? He considered dangerous

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How Will Affect Whooping Cough Pregnancy

Visibly annoyed

Visibly annoyed, he went to the factory mega tickets are sorry to be so markedly distant and unable to make their own tickets, but where would you go without a ticket? and ticket, where would you go? She stifled a smile at the cliff of contradictions that would have in its path, set sail with no destination without a ticket and obviously became a divorce.

Nothing at all, the bottle where you live is the genius who fulfilled wishes and whims of the head was turned, wet towels and cereal sprinkled everywhere, it seemed that someone wanted to mount a scene of attempted false universal golgorio.

The antorchita which served to look at night sounded anonomous. Everyone could declare war on the phone.

clashed in Piledriver pictures easier than forward, the little clock in the kitchen for months check any time, and thought, "bah ... so I try ... always is any time" to turning the hands left with arms outstretched, crucified on the tedium of the hours, and the mouths that kiss.

A minuscula Spider told his grandchildren a story to wake up (in the world of spiders tend to be different things), one of the oldest spiders, trace from shoe boxes saying

"xx x xx xxx xx xxx xxx. .. "

(in the world of spiders tend to be different things)

said, and laughed with deborah toothless smile of a blow fly three wings had frozen in its travel monchilita.

end. He considered dangerous

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cut The Cable For Good



A PORNO CARNAL "stick figures"




be like? He considered dangerous

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Power Rangers Belt Buckle

YOU AND YOUR Ropit fool!

once interviewed the legendary singer Pipo Chipolatti twists, and when asked was differentiated

as the musicade rock, I mean.

If you like electronic music and pop, drink bottled water .. Vi

you like the blues, hard rock, were to take beer ...

but if you like swing, tango, jazz, big bands and drink whiskey.

and I thought, good, and if you like the tri. Los Caifanes ska and surf .. pulque?

I have lived with almost all areas of so-called rock nacional,

many stories are beautiful and bright, but rather something other nones, and other pufff! or that ...

encrypted Like all artistic expression in the exchange of emotions is so fun to play,

ignite, playing crazy, losing control, getting stuck and also make the ridiculous ...

So I like the bands that are excited and are deshederen, that captivate your audience with salvajura ...

Now I've worked hard to let go loggerheads with that kind of live concerts, there are bands that go even

concert in the city was cited for sleeping together in a house ... there are others who take their bodyguard tours,

and fortunate as we are suddenly reminded us forties and we chant adolescents.

There is everything and seems to continue but equally interesting stories that roamed the bluesmen,

rockers and rock and we the Equizitos that we are totally clueless about.

grew up in the chaos of the groups punks, hard core and I'm glad to find the noise and hide the hard core of California and the hard core of concencia

, anarcho-socialist. It was part of the eighties and mingled my tastes hig energy.

I imagine it's difficult for young people now consevirse himself as rock stars,

artisitc because you have to evolve, to believe and not to disappoint your audience,

new generations are more demanding with many things, are different and more pressure on them,

all the time.

Those who love fashion pachucona or big band, or just dress like pordioceros lentecotes use silly worldof estilero in life is not no time devoted to clothing, the truth seems

rodeo clowns or to which fare, including hiphoppers rappers and them, my conclusion to see you walk with pantalonsotes shit is that nickel is due to hit ska and heavy surf on the outskirts of the city.

The entertainment industry in Latin America is ridiculously lower than that of the great nations, but please guys, disimulenlo, ja

smacks Forget the baby clothes and leather jackets, printed shirts and I hate the wave of skinny hairy garage ... Hey

except rockabilly fashion no other dress that I like more.

change the subject! He considered dangerous