Monday, November 30, 2009

When Should You Apply For Job Before Graduating

ever felt that plagiarism something? When? I glanced

ever felt that plagiarism thing? When?

plagiarism takes place when usurped consciously choose a style or a path already defined, is not always a bad thing, especially if it is a tribute to someone you admire (eg wind video LOS Caifanes eighties is deliciously ridiculous, as the Cure of VIRREYES LOMAS) ... not perhaps in the case of simple imitation exercise (like when you learn to draw, first you copies of styles you like), in music as in design, the eccentricities that cause unique and innovative creations are slow to be assimilated by public that you are going, BUT if the public is you, then perhaps you're a genius something bitter that fans of the older buildings, "just because I know I can do it," said Charlie Garcia a few years ago when released from a window into a pool ... Charlie Garcia and note it can be many things like music, but proposal and RISKS ... Alex Lora like ... Of course not .... betting that walking and wasting time on new horizons, not something that interests them. And in his music at all ...

Is the ego a mobile essential to make public what you do?

psychologism seems to me that we add to concepts such as ego, egotism, egotistical, egoism, are a century old, "the self" and "ego development", and not the oldest new-agers use it, developmental psychologists from time to time salonde used it in a class or a talk with parents. The ego is so difficult to define without abusing the concepts of personality theories ...

Ulysses in the Odyssey telling lies to the Cyclops Polyphemus that his name is "nobody" and so saved his life and his crew. However caundo escaped, agaunto no desire to sign his audacity with his name and while away their boats confezó his name .... That led to retaliation by the father of Cyclops Poseidon who curses and swears he will never return home.

Buddha is a vain and pinkish obese who just wants to be photographed in his pajamas, Christ the angels blush when you ask "all those saved .. you own???"

Ego in the Middle Ages did not exist, no signed works of art, because they were custom made or that the artist is not to placed before the divine. Today

the personalities that make up the users on the network, can impersonate other ord or confess their secrets to a stranger, the border between the people and not skin, is the amount of shared infiormacion.

In art, the pseudonyms and the collective work, is an inverted pyramid of 100 people engaged in public yet (and are fairly creative), 10 have names, or are urged to have a name ...

If .. the bulk of the people here are artists and egotistical and I enjoy being both, and I say this with false modesty.

or abut the police think a graffiti? TAKE THE SAME FIRM IN YOUR BACKPACK and cauda!!

Is it true that cliche that for an artist's ideas come at any time, even when in the bathroom?

Apropos of this, once I thought of the effort required maintenance projects such as those performed by the great masters of music, or those creative types Geisnburg Serge,

that method takes creativity? Were they always in their mini-world also imbued? ON THE OTHER SIDE as they are so innocent and crude Molotov rhymes for example ... "I do not bobo Jacobo"

or matate tete tete kill you "but that like?

Well to me personally and I If I like your phrase encata Cell VALE VERGARA THE GUADALAJARA:

"We are not eleven, we are a load, which did not pass anti-doping on Sunday,"

a mystery ... no?

On the other hand many great ideas of science, art or technology according to the biographies of the characters in the story are the result of much previous work, if your brain is exercised in a certain order of things is safer than

des with a eureka every time, every time I get into a tub that I have no thoughts organza hiceron Aquimides held to, or if I'll slow it down a donut in my coffee, not going through my mind:

"a body immersed in a fluid experience a vertical and upward thrust equal to the weight of fluid evacuated "

Now if the artist's method today to be celebrated and recognized as it is for example Miguel Calderon, no muchoo requeire FFORTS ... to throw bits of paper higuienco on a roof is suficente.

Creativity Miguel Calderon, some dentists, accountants and many lawyers and Molotov Rhymes is a mystery to me.

If you had to kill someone, then take his personality (for all his talent), who would you kill?

is not like that movie with Matt Damon The Talented Mr Ripley ...? usurped or just a memory?

imagine that the death wish and the skills of a person is very very poor thinking, when you can get so ridiculously low, you do not already have muchode you to offer to anyone or yourself ...

or type you like the movies .. etc SNACHERS BODY
Or maybe you love biographies, and spend your life reading biographies and looking forward to using sweaters cardigans worn by boys in the movies .... fraternities ALFA-BETA

In the movie Revenge of the Nerds the protagonist Lewis Skolnick deceives Stan Gable cheerleader girlfriend dressed as Darth Vader and shows him sexually Nerds are the wave .. bah

I know I sound boring and bitter but it's true, those things you think uncerebro infatil.

A good dose of common sense accompanied by energy and good humor me enough to not want to be Axel Rose, much less kill him.

Have you ever said you read a book, not to be bad, even without doing so? What?

Well, no I have to lie unless it is the task or work things ... or I'm in a situation that embarasoza, but if you read it .. A book you drop out of hand for yourself ... and can say that already lesite, because his mission was to accompany

out, interrupting readings is healthier than there is for example started with a good mood and happy with Banana Yoshimoto japonensa writer and do not finish your sleep, half a sleep and I left ... and I lied when I was asked "if you already finished "... the deifinicionde a classic in the literuatura, I heard that it is "a book that everyone knows, mention and quote, but no one has read"

with my children and Proesa great things that are not exactly true, built an idea Agard, funny and even benevolent for my actions and then ridicule ... and just do it to motivate his imagination.

know? ever made a lot of reviews peliculkas, books and things that did not exist, and they said it was an idea that was in the book PERFECT VACUUM by Stanislaw Lem and critca review books exist, I got the book and the truth

not know why but I did not read .. BORGES invented books or reference LOVECCRAFT are also know, I think Borges is right when he says:

"laborious and impoverishing madness of composing vast books go on for

hundred pages an idea. Whose perfect exposure Oral possible in a few minutes. "

A couple of examples? or not.

microcomputers Bestiary

Andrew Malambranche 1977 - 300 PAGES

A huge listing of uses and bad uses to which it can give microcircutos of a telephone ...

from how to make bombs to turn the cell phone, even as machines steal paswords and nips the bank card.

An Update of the famous Anarchist cook book, but only instead of firebombs constriur schemes, explains the algorithms for generating paswords in Pogram THE SERIAL NUMBER TO CALL.


Contastinio Pelaez 1968 -

is a movie of the new one hundred Mexican a comedy critic.

you hate soccer, criticizing the handling of the masses,

hate crowds outside the stadium, but the Lopez family Graza VAS A AMAR

cullo urban people and easy excuse to get together on Sundays is

fut bol. Jealousy

alleged deception and milloraria bet will make you laugh,

suffer and cry at the end of all GOOOOOL