Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Best Hdtv Smart Antennas

a "normal" voice is not heard


today talking with a friend we conclude "that we are not normal people" was when I asked myself "how pussy is a normal person?" , and once also sure you're wondering.
I realized that even in some programs use phrases like "why do not you una persona normal” , y que todos las personas tienden a crear ideas de como supuestamente sería una persona normal. Pero acaso hay un consenso escrito donde se describa a una “persona normal” , es algo ilógico, no hay una base que rija y nos indique que es normal para toda la sociedad. Cada persona tiene un punto de vista distinto y esto nos hace diferentes y, hasta cierto punto, normales a nuestra manera.
O acaso un gordo/flaco no es normal, o un chato/alto, hombre/mujer, blanco/negro, cholo/serrano, o lo que fuere, y espero que no tomen a mal las palabras escritas, pero así se dice no. Cada uno es normal desde su punto de vista y por favor, no creemos estereotipos de lo que supuestamente is a normal person.
remember once, when it was a psychological test in chamba, told me "do not panic, the rarest you can find is a person who is not crazy" , and this is because we all have a degree of madness our being, our way and sometimes, without realizing it.
So from now on before you say "normal person" settings to analyze whether there is any it is, and if it claims to be, you do not know what he says. There is no standard for being normal, then you're not normal, therefore you are not abnormal, you are unique, different, human, you simply .

And I found this in Internet, I write as I read:

The personal qualities of normal subject:
- He's a mentally mature, which is not fixed (too attracted) to their parents, who thinks and behaves like a person and has developed defined goals in life.
- accepts the blows and disappointments of life philosophically.
- One is too busy to be unhappy.
- Ready to make a living and work without complaining too much.
- has joie de vivre, is glad to be alive.
- can be accompanied by almost every individual has a flexible personality and expresses humanly sympathetic.
- not acting on impulse, has learned to control his emotions, exercises a sound mind and capable of making intelligent decisions.
- It is cynical and neurotic harbors no prejudice.
- Try not to poke his nose into the affairs of others.
- It manifests as a person with tact and not argue too much. It is tolerant and generous, not a hypersensitive subject and accepts the criticism of others.
- Has a sense of humor and radiates a strong sense of self-confidence.
- Give love and share it with someone else knows, have faith in humanity and shows a healthy attitude towards people around him.
- Know what you have done wrong and is able to acquire wisdom of the past mistakes.
- has managed to achieve the desired "Lifestyle" that allows you to appreciate and live with joy instead of sorrow. Has acquired the ability to keep the peace, the ability to rejoice in life.

PS: I'm a little crazy, I know. If you believe what I found on the Internet is a normal person, maybe then you are abnormal. And if you believe that basis, I am abnormal.

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